(03) 9001-0817

FREE Executive Webinar:

“What Can VOIP Do for My Organisation?”

Webinar Details:

LIVE: Tuesday 4th August 2020
Start Time: 11:00 am – 11:30 am

During This Webinar You’ll Discover:
  • What ‘VOIP’ is (explained in non-techie terms) and why thousands of companies are abandoning their tradition landline phone services for the simplicity, convenience and lowered costs of VOIP phone services.
  • Answer important questions about the functionality of VOIP and the benefits of VOIP for your organisation. We will also discuss the variety of phone feature you are given access to through a VOIP phone system that traditional landline phone lines do not provide.
  • We will discuss the pros and cons of VOIP while comparing it to other traditional phone lines. If you are planning on upgrading or refreshing your phone network in the near future, you’ll find this to be invaluable information to have.


Who Should Attend?

Executives and managers who are concerned about; poor call quality and lag time when calls are transferred to you, high cost landline systems, or who simply want to avoid crackling, echoes and dropped calls.

Individuals who want a better understanding of VOIP and how it can benefit their organisation will also benefit from this webinar. This webinar will not deep dive into the technical aspects of VOIP, but instead will focus on relevant topics and discussion.

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    The Form Below:

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Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.

Meet Your Presenter:

Damien Pepper
Managing Director

Here's What Others Have To Say About The Webinar

"Expert advice and education has eased our complex project rollout."

We are a Not-For-Profit Organisation undertaking a business expansion. DSP IT Solutions has provided expert advice in how best to set up an expanded facility and plan the infrastructure with our Staff capability in mind.

We had strict deadlines to meet, and DSP consistently met their targets.  The time needed on site was planned to work in with a complex worksite – we never felt like an inconvenience.

Having the Managed Services Plan means I can budget and predict our IT expenses instead of being reactive when things go wrong. I’m grateful to be able to spend my time and energy on my business, instead of problem-solving IT issues. Great service, great team.

Miranda Castles General Manager
Frankston District Netball Association Inc.

"Unique Building Services has utilised Damien Pepper and DSP IT Solutions since 2001"

Unique Building Services has utilised Damien Pepper and DSP IT Solutions since 2001 and during that time, DSP have provided exceptional service in terms of an efficient, cost effective and quality IT support and consultancy service. On a day to basis, DSP provide both on-site and out of office on-line maintenance of all our computer and telephone equipment.

DSP developed and built our in-house database in 2004/5 and provide invaluable professional advice and support both on our current systems and future Information Technology improvements and developments.

We are proud to have DSP IT Solutions as our IT Consultant and would highly recommend DSP to any prospective client.

Tony Pickles Unique Building Services - Managing Director